KILKENNY -- As expected, Google Maps do not align with the Irish Grid so that means anything geoblogged from a proper GPS receiver will fall around 10 minutes off in both the latitude and longitude when plotted on Google Maps. I'm playing around with a few images, trying to calculate a delta for GPS images so I can apply that number to geotagged images used in Irishblogs.
It appears that once I have tagged an image with incorrect geodetic information, I cannot revise that information on Geoblogs. The refresh rate on the geoblogger implementaiton of the Google map API taxes my patience.
- Cashel--along Golden Road. GPS says N52.3057 W075346.
- Kilkenny -- 8 Upper Garringreen where it was snowing out front. GPS says N52.3943 W07.1343.
- Drogheda--Boyne Riverwalk. GPS says N53.4309 W06.2147.
- Drogheda--Millifont. GPS says N534242 W06.2058.
- Dublin--Spire. GPS says N53.21 W06.1539.
Damien Mulley -- "Google + Flickr + GPS" caused more than 130 images to be "geotagged" within 10 hours of the system launching.
Doc Searls -- "Overhead"
James Corbett -- "Geotagging: It's all coming together"