ON THE PLANE and headed back to Dublin (image from Larz's photostream), I've noted some throwaway comments from Reboot 9. I wrote them in my Moleskine and fingered them into my SonyEricsson P910i. It felt good to flip in and out of the P910i since the parent company is a local trading name. The phone was much more sophisticated than many of the devices carried by Americans at the conference. I need my Nokia E90 so this process is faster and so I can make it happen live next year. Here are interesting comments heard during conversations at Reboot in and around the Kedelhallen.
- "There is a big difference between a 'best mate' and a 'friend'. [Heard during "Travel and Serendipity"]
- "Two words for American attendees: 'power adapters'".
- "A USB swivel on an SD card--how cool!" [In the presence of Jon Husband.]
- "I don't patent things because I am too lazy." [Dave Winer]
- "Office workers with tidy desks take twice as many sick days as workers who personalise their work space." [Exeter University Research]
- "The value is in the structure the users create." [Ross Mayfield]
- "While connectivity costs are decreasing, energy costs are increasing." [Tom Raftery]
- "Code switching brings real meaning where no meaning exists." [Stephanie Booth]
- "You cannot have effective relationships with more than 150 people." [Robin Dunbar]
- "Markets are anonymous. Gifts are personal." [Tor Norretranders]
- "You can never have enough whiteboards." [During Robert Slagter's conversation.]
- "Hmm. There are more Canadians than Americans here at Reboot. I wonder what that means?"
- "It seems I've lost power to my mic and computer." [Ross Mayfield in mid-flow.] Just a few minutes before he started speaking, the guys behind me were discussing how to attach a DVD burner onto a power cord they had connected under the main stage. Then they shared the power with others who needed a boost for their flat batteries.
- "Wifi's down again." [Heard once every 28 minutes.]
- "I've never seen so many babies at a tech conference." "It's not a tech conference. It's Reboot."
- "Isn't Felix Petersen at NextWeb? This Plazes thing says he's at Reboot."
- "Jaiku is what Twitter wants to be but without all the Americans." [Heard under the chimney on the grass outside in the sunshine.]
My Podcast -- "Human Reboot"
The biggest thing that caught several people's attention was the annoucement that Facebook would open up is site--and access to 41m members--to software created by anyone. This marks the start of the Facebook platform and should mean the end of MySpace as we know it.