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50000 Flickr Views

50000 Flickr Views

I watched viewer #50,000 click through my main photostream on Flickr today, 21 months after I put my first stuff into the world's most social photo-sharing network. I've learned a little about what make something popular and it's fun to speculate whether I'm correct.

The first images I put up on Flickr were shots from Kells, County Kilkenny, Ireland. Within days, people were sending me private messages about the place. That confirmed how Flickr was a social network.

My most popular image ("most favorited") is the Rock of Cashel, which I know has been appropriated and reused by others. But that's the way it should be since my most popular image is released under the Creative Commons.

With eight comments, the top-right image of four people seated in a row is my most commented image. That's nothing in the way of comments because it's easy to find mountains of comments on Flickr images.

The bottom-left image is Sam, the world's ugliest dog. Sam died but his story attracts more people to the long tail of my weblog than any other image from Flickr.

The bottom-centre image was taken by a press photographer of an oil refinery burning after Hurricane Katrina. I grabbed it fro Yahoo! It has been viewed 11,867 times since I put it up on my Flickr photostream.

The bottom-right image is one shot with a Nokia 9500 cameraphone. It has issues but it's popular with the mobile phone picture crowd, making it the sixth most popular image I have taken. It has n
