On the day of the Castlecomer Wellie Race, the sweetest things come with their wellies. That's young Megan and Richard Brophy on parade in the streets of Castlecomer, County Kilkenny, Ireland.
The annual parade attracts hundreds of bystanders as local citizens offer up their talents in floats that often encapsulate current events harvest from the past year. In the 2004 parade, the demise of Radio Kilkenny provided the major theme of the award winner, the "Powley Community Radio (PCR) Mobile Studio."
PCR's flagship show was Nun's Agenda, where an irreverent reverend mother interviewed Bertie and the Bogman.
A more serious take on local radio's departure came from a children's group, which enacted Radio Kilkenny--Our Great Loss.
Another Fuji S602Z picture for Irish Typepad.